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We put your funds in front of 100s of LPs where you want to raise capital

A capital raising advisor

Often works with many clients at once 

An Arbour Partner

Focuses on the deep relationships that lead to successful outcomes 


Arbour is very much in the know. They’re plugged into the thoughts of managers and LPs across Europe. We’ve worked with several Arbour advisors in different regions over the years – we think of them as Partners.

Sean Duff, Managing Director and Partner, Monroe Capital

Why should we connect with
an Arbour Partner?

Because you can access active LPs in new jurisdictions

Arbour partners are experienced ambassadors with a track record of maintaining powerful relationships over time.


Because you’ll work with highly motivated agents

Arbour Partners are fully independent and highly motivated – we focus on success fess, not monthly retainers.


Because our infrastructure removes stress and complexity from fundraising

We are committed to the latest standard and digital processes, and we are highly efficient. Everything is taken care of behind the scenes, from road shows to regulatory approval. Plus our ‘Plug & Play’ approach means you only sign up once for access to all our local agents.

We also provide you with constant actionable feedback and intelligence. Never be left wondering about your Partner’s progress.

Because you control who you work with, and how

Our only job is to enhance your fundraising activities.

Working with an Arbour Partner will not affect your fundraising operations elsewhere. You work with us to infiltrate the markets where we can provide that extra push.


Because the whole Arbour family is on a professional platform that LPs respect

When LPs see the Arbour logo, they know that this is a fund – and a Partner – that has passed the test. They know the person speaking to them is an experienced agent on an exclusive platform. And they can rest assured that this agent will only introduce them to funds they truly believe can deliver the right risk/return profile for their portfolio.

How does Arbour meet the challenge of shifting regulations?

Fully regulated marketing process for alternative investment funds via the:

  • FCA (UK)
  • BaFin (Germany)
  • Full passports across most European countries (BaFin)
  • With the ability to do fully regulated marketing in Switzerland, the US and core Asian countries

Your concerns are legitimate…

The regulatory environment has changed drastically with Brexit and the new European directives for cross-border marketing.

…but we’ve got this covered.

Arbour Partners can market managers in all major financial markets in Europe (incl. UK and Switzerland), the US and Asia.

If you aren’t personally regulated or only regulated locally and can’t market across borders, we’ll stand with you. Extensive research and a proprietary technology system keep us all – Arbour, our partners and fund managers – up to date with international and local regulations.

How do we realise the benefits of working with an Arbour Partner?

If you’re a seasoned fund manager, we’d like to assess your fitness for the Arbour platform.

Contact us now