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Access the best private market managers

A capital raising advisor

Often works with many LPs at once, limiting them to a ‘local introducer’ role

An Arbour Partner

Focuses on deep relationships that lead to a greater understanding of your needs and more successful outcomes


Why should we work with the Arbour Network of partners and funds?

Partners bring you the best funds from around the world

When you see the Arbour logo, you’ll know that the partner you’re speaking to knows your needs, your market and the best fund managers around today. Arbour Partners are ambassadors for their funds – they won’t talk to you about an opportunity unless they truly believe it will deliver for your portfolio.


We are a vital link in the secondaries chain

If you’re looking to buy or sell a position in the secondary market, isn’t it best to work with an advisor you trust? We operate in a regulated market, provide full transaction information and work hard to make this market as fluid as possible for participants. Investors’ secondary fund positions can also be plugged into our network – bringing you the best possible range of buyers.


Bringing 25 years’ experience to fund selection

The alternative fund managers we work with need strong track records and the capacity for future deployment. No one is bringing their funds to you without the operations to hit the ground running. And they need a culture that puts investors and portfolio companies at their heart.

How do we connect with an Arbour Partner?

Talk to us about how we can support your investment goals

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